

发布日期:2019-09-03 13:54:02   浏览量:1161
影像表现: ;
安静休息后行全身PET/CT断层显像,影像显示:脑显像清晰,各脑叶、纹状体、丘脑密度及放射性分布未见明显异常。脑室、脑池系统如常,中线结构居中。双侧筛窦粘膜轻度增厚,未见异常放射性摄取。鼻咽部形态及放射性分布未见明显异常。双侧扁桃体形态及放射性分布未见明显异常。甲状腺双叶形态、大小正常,密度轻度不均,可见不均匀轻度放射性摄取,SUVmax2. 77,未见异常放射性浓聚。双侧颈部
I、II区多个小淋巴结放射性摄取轻度增高,SUVmax2. 00。右肺上叶尖段见一直径约0.4cm磨玻璃密度结节,左肺上叶尖后段见- -直径约0.3cm高密度小结节,未见异常放射性摄取。右肺中叶、左肺上叶舌段少量索带状高密度影。双肺肺野未见明显实质性占位病变及放射性异常浓聚灶;双侧肺门、纵隔未见明显肿大淋巴结及异常放射性浓聚灶;双侧胸腔未见积液。心脏及大血管未见异常。双侧腋窝多个小淋巴结,部分糖代谢轻度增高,SUVmax0. 75。右前肋膈角处见肿大淋巴结,大小约1. 2cmx0. 7cm,放射性摄取轻度增高,SUVmax2. 07.
肝实质内多个低密度结节,边缘清楚,大者约3cmx2cm, 放射性摄取缺损,其余肝实质放射性分布未见异常。肝包膜旁少量积液,密度较高,CT值约30HU, 放射性摄取呈条带状不均匀增高,部分向肝内膨隆,SUVmax3. 07.双肾多个囊状低密度影,大者直径约2.6cm,向轮廓外突出,呈放射性摄取缺损。胆囊、脾脏、胰腺、双侧肾上腺大小、形
软组织混杂密度,CT值约17-26HU, 内见少量钙化,病灶放射性摄取不均匀轻度增高,以软组织密度区放射性摄取增高为主,SUVmax2. 89,病灶与升结肠近端及回肠末段管壁分
界欠清。升降结肠旁腹膜条带状及小结节状增厚,部分放射性摄取轻度增高,SUVmax2. 23.升结肠及横结肠周围肠系膜多个肿大淋巴结,大者约1. 7cmx1. 6cm,放射性摄取不均匀增高,SUVmax4. 31.肛管可见结节状放射性浓聚,SUVmax5. 27。膀胱充盈欠满意,未见阳性结石及明显肿块。前列腺大小约4.8cmX3.7cm (左右径*前后径),呈结节样向前突入膀胱,实质内少许条带状及斑点状钙化,放射性分布未见明显异常。盆腔淋巴结未见明显肿大及放射性异常浓聚灶,盆腔未见积液。颈胸腰椎多个椎体前缘骨密度增高,放射性分布未见明显异常,腰5/骶1椎间盘轻度向后突出;全身其他骨骼及关节形态、密度及放射性分布未见明显异常。
Brief medical history:
Right abdominal pain more than 2 months, considered for malignant tumors in ileocecal region and appendix in CT. Multiple tumor indicators increased.
Image findings:After quiet rest, systemic PET/CT tomography development was conducted, imaging findings:Clear brain imaging, and without obvious abnormality for lobes, striatum and thalamus density and radiation distribution. Normal ventricle, cistern system, centered midline structure.Slightly thickening bilateral ethmoid sinus mucosa and without abnormal radioactive uptake observed. Nasopharyngeal morphology and radioactive distribution were not obviously abnormal. Without obvious abnormality in bilateral tonsil morphology and radioactive distribution. Normal thyroid gland bilateral lobe in shape and size, slightly uneven density, uneven and slight uneven radioactive uptake was observed, SUVmax2.77, without abnormal radioactive concentration. Radioactive uptake increased slightly in multiple tiny lymph nodes of bilateral neck area I and II, SUVmax2.00.
A ground-glass density nodule with diameter about 0.4 cm was observed in the upper lobe tip of the right lung, and a high-density nodule with diameter about 0.3 cm was observed in the posterior segment of the upper lobe tip of the left lung, without abnormal radioactive uptake observed. Few cord-like high-density shadows in the lingular segment of the right lung middle lobe and the upper lobe of left lung. Without obvious substantial space occupying lesion and abnormal radiation concentration focus observed in the pulmonary field of bilateral lungs. Without obvious enlarged lymph nodes and abnormal radioactive concentration focus were observed in bilateral hilus and mediastinum. No effusion was observed in bilateral thorax. Without abnormality observed in the heart and great vessels. Several small lymph nodes in bilateral axilla, and part of the glucose metabolism was slightly increased, SUVmax0.75. Enlarged lymph nodes were observed at the right anterior costal diaphragmatic angle about 1.2cmx0.7cm, and radioactive uptake was slightly increased, SUVmax2.07.
Several low-density nodules in the liver parenchyma, with clear edges, larger about 3cmx2cm, defective radioactive uptake, and without abnormal radioactive distribution observed in the rest liver parenchyma. A small amount of effusion near the liver capsule with higher density, CT about 30HU, and the radioactive uptake demonstrated  banded and uneven increase, partial intrahepatic distention, SUVmax3.07. Multiple saccular low-density shadows in bilateral kidneys, with larger diameter about 2.6cm, protruded outward the contour, demonstrated radioactive uptake defects. The gallbladder, spleen, pancreas and bilateral adrenal glands were not obviously  abnormal in size, shape, density and radioactive distribution. Calcified plaque of the aorta abdominalis, left common iliac and internal arteries wall.
Good gastric filling, without obvious abnormality observed in the radioactive distribution. Massive shadow was seen in ileocecal area with uneven density, demonstrated mixed density of liquid and soft tissue, CT about 17-26HU, and a small amount of calcification was observed in the area, and the uneven focus radioactive uptake increased slightly, dominated by the soft tissue density area radioactive uptake increase, SUVmax2.89, un-clear wall demarcation for the lesion and the proximal ascending colon and the end of ileum. Ascending and descending paracolic peritoneum banded and small nodular thickening, part of the radioactive uptake slightly increased, SUVmax2.23. Multiple enlarged lymph nodes in the ascending colon and surrounding mesentery of the transverse colon, with larger about 1.7cm xl. 6cm, uneven increase for radioactive uptake, SUVmax4.31. Nodular radioactive concentration was seen in the anal canal, SUVmax5.27.Not satisfactory bladder filling, without positive calculi and obvious mass observed. The prostate was about 4.8cmx3.7cm (right and left diameter * anterior-posterior diameter), which protruded forward into the bladder like a nodule, few banded and spotted calcifications in the parenchyma, without obvious abnormality observed in radioactive distribution. Without obvious swelling and radioactive abnormal concentration focus in pelvic cavity lymph nodes, pelvic fluid was not observed.Bone density increased at the anterior edges of multiple centrums in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, without obvious abnormality in radioactive distribution, slight backward protrusion of lumbar 5/ sacrum 1 intervertebral disc; Without obvious abnormality in the shape, density and radioactive distribution of systemic other bones and joints.



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