发布日期:2018-11-12 13:48:05 浏览量:1098
受检者信息, Information of subject
检测结果小结,Test result brief summary
免疫治疗相关检测结果汇总,Summary of immunotherapy-related test results
PD-L1免疫组化检测结果,PD-L1 immunohistochemical inspection results
受检者突变负荷分析结果,analysis results of subject mutant load
微卫星检测结果,microsatellite inspection results
可能具有临床意义的体细胞变异,Somatic cell variation that may have clinical significance
可能具有临床意义的生殖系变异,Reproductive system variation that may have clinical significance
FDA批准靶向药物的伴随诊断检测结果,FDA approval of targeted drug concomitant diagnostic test results
可能获益的治疗方式,Treatment method that may get benefit
临床意义不明变异,Unknown clinical significance variation
可能获益的临床试验,Clinical test that may get benefit
检测基因列表,Inspection gene list
产品声明。Production Declaration