发布日期:2019-03-08 11:58:43 浏览量:836
Peking University Third Hospital Neurology Dept. Cerebral Function Monitoring Room
EEG Diagnosis Report Report Date: July 15, 2018
Name |
Ren Jia |
Gender |
Male |
EEG No. |
H14-0426 |
Division |
Outpatient |
Age |
23 |
Hospitalization No. |
/ |
Bed No. |
Patient situations/record conditions
Type Regular Consciousness conscious+sleep
Electrode placement standard International 10-20 system Sedative None
Inter-ictal phase pathological sample-wave
Phase inversion slow wave
Sleep EEG
Sleep phase: phase I-III
Symmetry: symmetrical
Provocative test:
Eye open-closed response: deep breathing of the left temporal lobe obvious appearing paroxysmal medium-high amplitude tit-for-tat sharp waves flash stimulus response: without obvious spare sample discharge
Hyperventilation response:Non-cooperation
Clinical seizure
Clinical seizure: slow waves alternately appear on both sides. The bilateral temporal lobes occur the paroxysmal moderate amplitude tit-for-tat sharp waves or phase reversal slow waves alternately.
EEG conclusion:
Major depressive disorder
(Only for reference by Physician and responsible for this record) Reported by: